Veltroni: I: Mayor how he found the party?
V: A major initiative, second only to Rome Film Festival. An event organized with great passion, and with a strong social conscience. E 'on occasions like this it is necessary to remember that while we are here to eat, entire populations in Africa do not have to live, you think!
I: From the great organizer of events would have any advice?
V: I would say that in my opinion it would be nice if the entrance of the party were speakers who spread Imagine by John Lennon at the time, and if you hold more debates, maybe Africa.
I: And now Mayor will continue his visit?
V: Yes I will go to the food stand.
I: Can you give us some indiscretion on the menu?
V: I do not take stuff for me, but probably will order several portions of the mixed grill to be sent immediately to Africa.
I: Gesture laudable, only the last line ... would like to be leader of the Democratic Party? V: We'll talk when the time is now mayor of Africa are still ... um ... in Rome.
Giovanardi: I: Mr Giovanardi, she liked the party?
G: The party was certainly interesting, but I saw the building of sport out Rolling of the guys who were a cane, to which I approached him and I did that with my law is a crime, but they sent me to that paese.Bel comportamento.Se Fini had not been for the friend who has seized this 'would now be either in prison or in spataccati a statue of Professor Martani in any round.
Bertinotti : I: President, how he found the party?
B: It 's been a phenomenal event, a demonstration, yet another, pride worker, workers and workers who have agreed to meet to discuss politics in a passionate, with references and quotes from Gramsci and recovery theories marxiane.Tutto very nice and interesting.
Dell'Utri : I: Senator what he thinks the party?
D'U: I liked it! 'S all a magna magna.
Condoleezza Rice did not respond to our questions but released only the following comment / appeal: Tortellini Wonderful! Lissssio Wonderful! Wonderful ... But where is Max? Massimo ... I LOVE YOU!
Envoy Wild Crowd Massimo Counterfeiters.
Zola Predosa
Bersani : I: With the creation of the Democratic Party, including the Unity party, will have to change organization, has proposed on?
B: Beyond the name change and the various formalities and so on, we look to the substance, I think we should liberalize the system of catering the party, give each the opportunity to open a militant, and an opportunity to keep open at any time, it is right that people can choose where mangiare.Basta with monopolies, let us open ourselves to the competition.
Q: But this liberalization will also apply to other activities?
B: They can not, must be valid for other activities. I: Even for libraries?
B: Of course questions.
I: So even the Mondadori Berlusconi will open a library?
B: It can not, will, is the only agreement that we could do in two-chamber a few years ago.
Bondi : I: Mr Bondi as the party found the dishes?
B: The food is definitely good and healthy, food is life, nourishment, and joy of living, and taste, but those who prepare for it, those people who cook are intertwined issues with a past politically and economically bankrupt, and this is not acceptable in a country democratico.E ' Italy hating, do you think people are treated as numbers, used to remove the name, last name, he shall lose his soul, all goods sacrificed on the altar of freedom of organization and efficiency. You think tell a waiter to bring the dishes to the table number 67 instead of saying the name or surname dell'avventore sat waiting their pasto.E 'a shameful attitude, the left sees the company as an indistinct mass of people to drive like a flock , perhaps with a five-year plans, planning from above, all of which show all the hatred towards the man of the left, while we put the man at the center of our policy, we make laws to help the single man in his daily life.
I: But what kind of man you talking about?
B: Prime Minister Berlusconi, he is the man at the center of our politics.
Di Pietro : Unfortunately, the interview with Mr Di Pietro is not currently available, due to lack of translator Molise / Italian in preparation.
Visco : I: Deputy Minister, how he found the party?
V: Special!
The Deputy Minister has just issued this brief statement, it was in a hurry, as Doeve Zolesi campaign to reach the Battuta di caccia una all'evasore.
Nicolas Sarkozy , discorso alla nazione durante a (da sobrio): Me dear compatriots, I love the festival Unit Zola Predosa, but I think in the suburbs is not N'E possibile to do one thing similaire.Segolène if you want to come here in my home .. I thank you very much my true amour.Bisuos!
ragazzi .... Oh my mid Pagat o no? Non ho ancora visto Who a € aspettate ... cosa? The Finanziaria? Ecco comunque altre Intervis ...
Cofferati : I: Mayor Did you enjoy the party?
C: Yes, it is certainly a very important meeting place for the community, but I would put a ban on selling alcohol after 24 because I find it unseemly to see older people dancing drunk fingering the smooth and the seat to the ladies present.
The Mayor has also ordered the immediate evacuation of party unity and cabins on Lavino.
Fini: I: Mr Fini how he found the atmosphere of the festival
F: An atmosphere dull, heavy, ideological, do you think I should do a barrel to get a thrill.
I: At least he liked the food?
F: But honestly I prefer to parties of An, which is still used for frying oil once.
I: oil mill?
F: No, castor oil.
Guccini : I: What do you think of the party?
G: In this pleasant city, the feast of the Unit, I rediscovered the values \u200b\u200bof sociability and pleasure of being together typical of the reality of my Pavana mountain, from which not even his native village for several years, from when he lived in a town house in Via Paolo Fabbri 43.
Sircana : I: Honorable she is for so many years that the party is, what do you think of that this year?
S: Bella the party as usual, but I preferred the camp were doing when Kennedy, Via Rigosa them.
Rutelli : I: Minister, I appeal to our readers to visit the Unity party? A: Visit our website, please visit our party But, But Above All Our party vote. envoy Vera Perfinta
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