Yesterday afternoon in Turin Walter Veltroni announced his candidacy for the office of Secretary of the Democratic Party. An hour and a half speech that touched all the raw nerves of Italian politics and society. A speech that spoke to the hearts of the people without falling into populism. Following the speech in full and video of the rally.
"Making a new Italy. E 'for this reason, the mission, the sense of the Democratic Party.
unite Italy, making her feel again a great nation, conscious and proud of himself.
Italians Unite, unite what is now opposed North and South, young and old, workers and self-employed.
Giving new hope to the Italians, the children of this country believe, for the first time since the war, that the future face of fear, that their destiny is the social and personal insecurity.
For this is at the Democratic Party. Whether you call it. A state identity which defines the greatest achievement of the twentieth century: the realization that human communities can exist and live only with the individual and collective freedom, the freedom of ideas and freedom to undertake. Intertwined with the freedom to social justice and equality of individuals all'irrinunciabile voltage, which today means to guarantee the same opportunities for everyone.
The Democratic Party, the party of those who believe that economic growth and equitable distribution of wealth are not conflicting goals, and that without one o'clock there will be another.
The Democratic Party, the party of innovation, change realistic and radical challenge to the conservatism, right and left, that paralyze our country.
The Democratic Party, the party must give the final blow to that wall that has endured for too long and that has hindered the full eruption of the subjectivity of women in political decision and in the life of the country. The revolution of women said all the political cultures in the principle of recognition of gender difference as a constitutive element of a modern democracy. And 'this experience to be decisive, since the time of the founding of our party.
The Democratic Party, a party born from the confluence of major political, cultural, human. Being born within him the inheritance of those formations who have restored freedom to the Italians, of those women and men who are paid with imprisonment and his life's dream of giving to others the freedom lost. Those teams that have raised Italy and the Italians, who have brought our country to be transformed from a defeat in a community of nations sitting at the table full of large Earth: how much has been made since Alcide De Gasperi, the Paris Peace Conference, addressed the world who listened to him saying: "Everything, except your personal courtesy, is against me." Those teams that have fought and defeated terrorism.
But the Democratic Party is not the mere conclusion of a journey. If it were, or if you tell it, nailing himself to the past.
Instead, what Italy needs is a party of the new millennium. A force for change, free from ideological, free from the obligation to appear from time to time, moderate or extremist to legitimize or erase its own history. A party that does not come from nothing, and set a whole new party.
E ', to whom he thought he worked on, so he spent with consistency and determination the founder of the Olive, Romano Prodi.
The Democratic Party, a party that proposes open, because it wants and needs, to fascinate the millions of Italians who believe in the values \u200b\u200bof innovation, talent, merit, equal opportunities. Those millions of Italians in enterprises, offices and factories where they work, in schools where they teach, they feel they want to do something for their country, for their children. Those millions of Italians who are committed volunteers who are living everyday experiences and concrete solidarity. Those millions of Italians who are the closed policy, and that if they try to approach it is easier than you come across in a request to join a group of current or power, rather than an idea for a project.
I am convinced that October 14 will be an important day for Italian democracy. He was born in new form a new party. Born allowing anyone who believes in this project to sign up, naturally and directly, and stand. Associations and groups, committees and movements, individuals may, at the same time, form a new party and decide on the governing bodies and national leader. [...] CONTINUE
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