be born really the Democratic Party? You mean: vital or will be born will be born dead? It will be a success or a flop? Margherita and Democrats really be able to merge, or they will only a sum of two parties that remain contentious and diverse? What will be the 'added value' of the new babe? Of the sum rule (unification) of two or more parties does not produce added value: the sum of votes received by the unified party is less than the sum of votes received by parties separated. In our case, why a Marxist would like to be less diluted in Marxism, or why a Catholic would like to be overwhelmed by the laity? Whatever it is, we must understand the conditions under which a new movement or party is able to break through. The first condition is that the birth of Pd leads to a drastic simplification of the party system, and thus the elimination of dust partitucci, the "little people". And when the parties are their number is reduced by the electoral systems, not the birth of a new party that eats them. Prodi has made up his mind, however, to solve the problem with a party "eat-parties" with a party-python. But, if so, to me seems a contradiction that the aggregate project only two out of about a dozen parties. It 's true that the Margherita and the Democrats put together about half of the votes of the grid, but the remaining dwarfs retain their power the same insane and blackmail. That leaves the problem as it is. Especially since the Democrats have splintered nell'accorparsi losing their Correntone. The second condition is that the new party is perceived as truly new, fresh air as a carrier of energy and youth.
Instead the Democratic Party is being born without momentum, already worn down by too slowly and its gestation mainly from complications in which he always manages to hobble. If it were an architect, Prodi would build tortuosissime pagodas and certainly has the genius of unnecessary complexity. For the 2006 elections came up with a plethora shop eggheads who gave him a program of nearly three hundred pages, which made him almost lose the election and that it packs in daily grooming. And for the new party, the roadmap provides for a Committee of 45 for the rules of the constituent assembly and then, on October 14, the election of delegates to that meeting constituent, which is responsible for drafting the Statute of the Democratic Party, and then finally arrive, when it will be, to prove the general election. In the interim the 45 already disagree on how and when to elect their leaders and their secretary. All this weighed down by a further, and I suspect, appeal to the primary. I say "suspect" because it is obvious that Prodi should confirm the primaries and choose him. Tantovero that at the time, not because they want the polls to winning Veltroni. So much for the party that "is born from below." Prodi to make it seem like his people to create his own Democratic Party. But in truth it is not. And so many, too much energy is wasted in building a populist fiction. Then, the PD will be born dead or viable? The prediction is difficult. But the fact is that local elections have confirmed the rule that unions lose votes. Where Ds and Margaret joined, they lost an average of 10 percentage points (see Genoa, La Spezia, Ancona). This is just an alarm bell. It is certain, however, that the way the Democratic Party is more than ever upward.
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