Primary of the Democratic Party: the Democratic Party primary rules
Here is the famous "Ten Commandments for the constituent assemblies of the Democratic Party." Ten-point defines the mode of baptism in the autumn of the new Democratic Party. A stage sent: Oct. 14 the National Assembly is elected the new party and the first secretary of PD. After thirteen days, led by Romano Prodi, the first meeting of the National Assembly. And then the Democratic Party will begin its history.
the vote of October 14
1) is now open for October 14, 2007 the election of members of the National Constituent Assembly and, in liaison with them, the political secretary of the National Democratic Party. It is also issued for the same date, the election of members of regional assemblies and, in liaison with them, the regional secretary of the party. In the Region of Trentino Alto Adige are elected members of provincial assemblies of Trento and Bolzano and its provincial secretaries, the two provincial assemblies that together constitute the Regional Assembly shall elect a coordinator, possibly by providing turn-taking in such a position between the two provincial secretaries .
2) By following Rules are established procedures for the election of the Provincial Assembly and Provincial Secretaries, to be held by December 31, 2007.
vote and to stand 16 YEARS
3) may participate as voters and candidates of all citizens and Italian citizens to October 14 have turned sixteen and, with the same requirements of age, the citizens of European Union residents, the citizens of other countries in possession of a residence permit, which at the time of the vote state their wish to participate in the constitutional process the Democratic Party and donate a minimum contribution of € 5.00, reduced to 2 € for the electrical and voters who do not yet reached twenty-five.
ballot If no candidate obtains 50%
4) Where been elected an absolute majority of the Assembly in support of a candidate for Secretary, the President of the Constituent Assembly declared elected to the National 'Opening the first session of the Assembly, failing which the President indicated at that same session in a runoff ballot between the two candidates linked to as many of the Assembly shall be declared elected Secretary The candidate who received the highest number of votes validly cast, the same rule applies to the regional secretariat.
5) The National Assembly, convened by Romano Prodi, who assumes the presidency, will meet for the first session October 27, 2007. It approves the Manifesto of the Party and the nation state, and shall perform such other functions conferred on it by the transitional and final provisions of the Statute. The first session of the Assembly shall be convened by the regional constituents Romano Prodi within 30 days of the elections. The Assembly shall be elected as the first fulfillment of its chairman among its members by secret ballot where no candidate has obtained the first ballot the majority of members must be followed by a second vote between the two candidates with the most votes. In accordance with the principles established by the national statutes, these regional assemblies approve their status, and perform such other functions assigned to them by the end of the transitional rules and statutes national and regional levels.
the constituencies ARE THOSE OF MATTARELLUM
6) For the allocation of seats for the election of the National Assembly, reference is made to colleges and divisions of the Law of 4 August 1993, No 277 (Law Mattarella Room). Twelve hundred seats are distributed among the constituencies in proportion to the number of residents and one thousand two hundred seats in proportion to the number of votes obtained by UL in the 2006 elections for the Chamber of Deputies, in both cases using the method of whole shares and more remains high. The seats thus allocated to each constituency are distributed among the colleges in proportion to the votes obtained by UL in the 2006 elections for the Chamber of Deputies on the basis of the method of whole shares and the highest remainders. Each college elects at least 3 delegates. Another seat will be allocated to colleges that have participated in the vote a number of people of more 20 percent of the votes obtained by UL in the elections for the Chamber of Deputies in 2006. Italians living abroad elect 60 representatives.
7) lists for the election of the National Assembly are multi-member district with mixed gender. It takes between 100 and 150 signatures to present a list of links. No one can stand in more than one constituency. The list indicates a candidate for National Secretary. You can connect the district with a statement of intent. Must be submitted, on pain of nullity, between 21 and 22 September. With a similar system to that which exists for the House until 1992, the seats are assigned first in the colleges with the full range (correct ratio to + 2), then the unassigned seats and votes are not used (remains) converge to the whole area. The listings at that level have been more than 5% of the vote will divide the remaining seats with the same method, so the seats allocated to each group of lists are attributed to the list of links with the remains larger. The lists that connect to the whole area must have list headers half men and half women list headers.
8) Statements of candidature for the post of National Secretary shall be submitted by July 30, 2007 together with a statement of intent and a number of signatures between two thousand and three thousand, of which at least five percent in different regions. Declarations of candidacy shall be accepted if accompanied by the deadline for submission of lists of lists presented by statements in at least 25 different colleges, in at least five different regions. Declarations of candidacy for the post of Regional Secretary shall be submitted by September 12, 2007 together with a statement of intent and a number of signatures between 500 and 750 for regions up to a million inhabitants and between 1000 and 1500 for the Regions with a population exceeding one million inhabitants.
9) To be eligible to vote, which takes place in a single day from 7 am to 20, must show an ID at the polling station and, except not yet of age and of non-citizens their voting card. Will be determined by subsequent regulation, the voting age and not yet for non-citizens and made off for college students in their university.
10) cards contain a column for each list, within which there are, in order, from top to bottom, the names of candidates for college, preceded by the candidate for the office of National Secretary supported by the list. The voters can express a single vote in a single column of each card. The vote is considered valid in any point of the column has been affixed a sign. Are considered invalid cards that show signs of the vote that fall within two or more columns. Balloting began immediately after the vote last voter in the polling station at the time of closing.