aired from September 20 on Channel 7's new commercial spot gold 40 "Dynamic of the system, change backgrounds and interpreters, the message remains the same: more space and convenience 'with sectional doors!
From 18 to September 27, 2009 Dynamic System will present 'during the Ferrara Balloons Festival important news' related to the sectional door Breda.
Sara 'explained the new design for sectional doors of Domus Line and especially the new wicket door without tripping on the floor, walked with lowered threshold, a real innovation in sectional doors.
In 2009, the Dynamic System, 'This traditional Fair Hundred held along the streets of center from day 8 to day 13 September 2009. An engineer company will be 'present to answer any questions or curiosities' from 20:00 to 24:00 until Friday' evening and from 16:00 to 24:00 Saturday and Sunday.